Monday, June 1, 2009

സെലെബ്രതിംഗ് ബൌടിഫുല്‍ Culture

This Sunday I was a witnedd to a church of foreign and American Christians. My bilingual extent was short. Every few words I would recognize one though. Nonetheless I was more than content to drink in this beautiful culture and language. Seeing my face you would take me lost in smiles and wonder.

Frustration played a nagging role, however. But determination was right along side. I want to know their language. I want to be apart of this large family centered circle of love! I have to learn... So, off to speakin´what I know and laughing with a lesson when I mess up. They are gracious though, and at least I can make them smile even though with flustered cheeks.

The people at the Marbut´s church are Sucua residents and also from the Shuar villages. They are saved, living for Christ and running with a purpose. Because someone led them to the straight and narrow.
Sunday they reached out to their community, presenting ministry opportunities. Wow! Booth after booth of food and colors, balloons and odds of many uses. I had never heard or seen of all the food I accepted. Through some I was familiar with. I won´t attempt to give you the names but I will explain to you what they possessed.

Leah called me from across from the church parking lot to dine finely with her under a tent. As I sat down I looked happily at my plate. A beautiful yellow, corn meal wrap with chicken, and seasoned with peppers maybe. This was my first taste of Sucuan hospitality. It was cooked in a large green leaf. Beside it laid a fried, crusty and sweet bread filled with cheese. They were both delicious! I drank with this a tea-like drink sweated with brown sugarcane.

Music started above me in the sanctuary. So we all went upstairs for Sunday worship. I more than anything enjoyed quite thorouly my surrounding. I didn´t understand very much. When service ended we took our feet and stomach´s back down the steps to enjoy more food, games and singing. Leah once again sat before me a Spanish rice of sorts. Within it was steak, pork and shrimp. I could get use to this ladies and gentlemen. Nothin´like it.

She then served, with a loss of american words, a dessert like ice cream. However, it was not cold. Egg whites, blackberries and sugar whipped to perfection made this a sweet treat. This was served with a wafer of the vanilla variety. Micah and I finished the last one off. That Marbut lady wasn´t finished believe it or not. With a grateful heart I accepted more Sucua n culture saturated foods. This was cooked pork with a salad and something like soft seeds. Very good. Though, the nutritionist side of me kicked in and I didn´t eat much of the pork. I finished with fresca fruit covered with sweetened condensed milk. I do believe, though I am not for certain. Oh this was a sensational experience I will never forget.

This last Sunday took me back because of my thirsty need to quench observation. Thoughts were trapped when I danced around my summer home. Many of these booths were promoting missions! I was blessed to see them call to service those who had been touched by other missionaries. The yound girls from the hope house were dressed in dresses, they made themselves to represent China. They have a personal burden for the poeple of China. This is God!

Joil and Leah Marbut have brought me, Sarah Jane ( nineteen year old heart of crazy conglomerations and passion) to their home. As Joil said it they let me come ¨ At the most awkward time in their ministry.¨ They are moving back to the states for a year, to raise support so they can stay another four years in Sucua. I am blessed to have seen, tasted and lived in their home last Sunday. They are brought to life here in Sucua. The Marbut´s are living ¨the great adventure¨ on a narrow path. I am for the next weeks along for the ride. The ride of a lifetime.


  1. Oh what it would be to be there. I'll try to shrug of my apparent jealousy. I know this is exactly what you've always wanted and I'm all smiles to think about you there doing what you always talked to me about wanting to do. :D Experiencing different cultures, trying their food. That's all you. God truly keeps to His promises and He is blessing you with the desires of your heart. I emailed you twice since you have been gone and I really want to snatch back the monotony that they were filled with in comparison to this wonderful ride. Hearing you tell about it is like reading a book. Still so very surreal to imagine you there, and still so jealous am I :) but happy that you are happy. I'd not take away your joy there for anything.
    The food sounds incredible and so very different. They all sound so interesting and unique. You'll have to whip up some of those delicasies when we get back home.
    Wow, I'm thinking about your church experience. I can imagine, and I'm not there, but I can imagine how much they don't take the "centered circle of love" for granted like I am guilty of doing some, and others as well. It sounds like they make such a big deal of it, and it IS such a big deal. That is the way it was intended to be. Together you share in the joy that is present with good reason. I'm not there, but I can feel a unity from here, maybe I'm wrong, because well I'm not there. I'm not there and yet I can still sense a bit of power in a place like that. Built on the principles of growing together and reaching out. That is ultimately what we are called to do. Not sit around and digest a homily not to me taken seriously. "God and make disciples" says the red ink.
    Sarah there is so much passion here. That's what I'm taking from it, "like a breath of fresh air." If I were allergic to passion I'd be dead right now, but I'm not and the fumes of fervor are only sweet smelling to me right now. I'm so proud of you I don't know what to do. I really had no idea what God was doing in the country of Ecuador. Now I've had a hint.
    Oh! Excitement! We are going a day early. On the 26th as you may or may not know. Something about getting to see Joil preach.......................................................................................................................................
    Those ellipse represent my celebratory break from typing.
    Ecuador, South America. Go, God, Go.

  2. P.S. I have no idea what the cryptic title of this blog means, but I'm all over the internet looking.
