Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Haiti has been hit dramatically, and after reading from the Old Testament I was left alone with my thoughts... Deuteronomy 8:19: “But I assure you of this: If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods, worshiping and bowing down to them, you will certainly be destroyed.” Upon reading this bit of scripture I thought something rather audacious in a sense. God is the same yesterday as today and forever, amen! He destroyed a nation (His nation) if they forgot him and lived in disobedience. In this chapter as in many more He is warning His people. “Do not forget that He led you through the great and terrifying wilderness with its poisonous snakes and scorpions, where it was so hot and dry. He gave you water from the rock! He fed you with manna in the wilderness, a food unknown to your ancestors (8:15-16.)” Are these great disasters that many are facing the result of a nation turning their back on God, and serving the god of their worldly stomachs?

Haiti has suffered from a earthquake numerous amounts of people have died. Is that the case for people like the victims of Haiti? Now Jesus promised that He would not come back until everyone had heard the story; the Gospel. So there are people who need to hear this message. “Who will go for us?” The bible reads and asks a question. Those who claim alliance with Jesus Christ are the ones who are called. Missionary Joil Marbut says it like this, “You better know that you were not called (upon standing before the throne of God)” The Haitian people need to hear the gospel; otherwise, they will continue walking in and inevitably die in sin. Furthermore, we look upon their situation and the many dead and we take pity on them. We are entrusted with the most precious words of God, and the message of the Gospel! “Who will go for us?” We are the chosen people! We are to take this message to them, this bloody story of Jesus Christ dying on a tree. He hung with the heaviness of our sin, guilt, and condemnation! Who are you and I in this world? I am a person, doomed to sin; I fall again and again. Yet I have His grace! I have a hope. People who have not heard are without a hope.

The blood is on my hands. The more I wipe I see the tears flowing and the mouths asking, “Why did you keep silent?” But remember my name is in The Lamb’s Book of Life! Eventually I pray that you will watch the news and remember that we are the responsible ones. Once you have been told, then you have become responsible for their hearts. Not everyone can go to the mission field. But are you praying for these people? Just as a paralyzed man cannot walk around, and most likely stays where he is, we are not all able to conquer the mission field. You can touch those around you and be a light to the ones that God has given at arms’ reach. But God has ears! So let Him hear your cry. Jesus said in Matthew 9:38 “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Christians, turn off the television, get on your hands and knees and pray!

He will listen when we cry out to Him. Pray for America, South America, North America, Korea, China, the U.K., etc, etc… Be specific and heartfelt. Where there is no God there is a desperate need for prayer. This world needs a Savior; the world needs The Savior. These are my thought, and I will conclude with a quote that I hope influences a distress to pray. “Our praying, however, needs to be pressed and pursued with energy that never tires, a persistency which will not be denied, and a courage which never fails.”
-E.M. Bounds

1 comment:

  1. You presented prayer as it is, but as it is rarely presented. A weapon. Pray with a warrior's spirit. Energy and courage are words rarely associated with prayer. Great quote! Great work. Sleeping in the light we are. Just lying around getting a tan while the people are pale in the unknowing cold. Shame on us! Thank you for this.
