Friday, April 2, 2010


Hot Coffee! Good Morning, my fellow slaves to Christ, Jesus.

Psalm 73:21-26
Thus my heart was grieved,
And I was vexed in my mind.

This reminds me of our callous hearts.
Our hearts sometimes do not reside where the heart of God's does.
Then to add to our dreaded spiritual physique we have deranged minds.
Worldly matter grabs us by the throat and dilutes our sanity.

I was so foolish and ignorant;
I was like a beast before You.
Nevertheless I am continually with You;
You hold me by my right hand.

Say it’s amazing! He holds us tightly when we looked to our other loves.
Though we wonder and stray from our First Love, He relentlessly holds us for keeps.
He still claims us for His own.

You will guide me with Your counsel,
And afterward receive me to glory.

I praise God for this! I need His counsel and His discipline.
When the end has come, then we will be ready to go and rest forever in His presence.

Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

There is nothing else… This earth has left us to rot. But God! He has given us
delight and Joy! We are not alone and this is not the end, Praise God! He holds our future.
And there is nothing else worth living for but Him.

The Christian walk is not a summer vacation. Have you ever met your match, and lost? Our faith is tested, yes and we know this. We are told this again and again. We fail and then find ourselves ashamed and condemned because we did not deliver when given the opportunity. Have we not been taught? Have we not been practicing and winning, losing and falling, repeating and memorizing? “Who cut you off?” What then is the verdict for us today, friends? Is it not that we are guilty of complacency? Do our well rested eyes tell of our slumber; the slumber that was lustfully taken instead of unrest in the face of adversity? Blood thirsty people we are! Do not call yourself a Christian; be a Christian! We cannot continue to grow in this world’s light and sleep in the greatest Light which is Jesus Christ. Never ever be content in the life of mediocre grace!

Furthermore, we are alone, because we are trying to do this alone. Complacently we stand in our pious sweat, having run ourselves down with religious acts. When we look up and around we find that God is not there. He never meant us to run without Him. While He slows along the way to show others the path, we run ahead. No, no we have it all wrong! It is His race, His glory and He is the prize! This walk is not easy, and it was never meant to be. But we have Jesus Christ! Verse twenty-four says this, “You will guide me with Your counsel…” So let Him lead and guide you. Stay with Him through thick and thin. Christians, Live unto Christ and truly Live. Get Close to Him and know His Relentless Love. Dedicate yourself to Him and be found in His most Glorious Light. Hot Coffee!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful rhetoric child! My best friend would be a writer. :) Stands to reason.
